Spring Hill Boudoir | Mrs. Hannah | Nashville, Tennessee

Mrs. Hannah

  • Spring Hill Boudoir Photography | Mrs. Hannah | Nashville, Tennessee
  • Spring Hill Boudoir Photography | Mrs. Hannah | Nashville, Tennessee
  • Spring Hill Boudoir Photography | Mrs. Hannah | Nashville, Tennessee
  • Spring Hill Boudoir Photography | Mrs. Hannah | Nashville, Tennessee
  • Spring Hill Boudoir Photography | Mrs. Hannah | Nashville, Tennessee
  • Spring Hill Boudoir Photography | Mrs. Hannah | Nashville, Tennessee
  • Spring Hill Boudoir Photography | Mrs. Hannah | Nashville, Tennessee
  • Spring Hill Boudoir Photography | Mrs. Hannah | Nashville, Tennessee
  • Spring Hill Boudoir Photography | Mrs. Hannah | Nashville, Tennessee
  • Spring Hill Boudoir Photography | Mrs. Hannah | Nashville, Tennessee
  • Spring Hill Boudoir Photography | Mrs. Hannah | Nashville, Tennessee
  • Spring Hill Boudoir Photography | Mrs. Hannah | Nashville, Tennessee
  • Spring Hill Boudoir Photography | Mrs. Hannah | Nashville, Tennessee
  • Spring Hill Boudoir Photography | Mrs. Hannah | Nashville, Tennessee
  • Spring Hill Boudoir Photography | Mrs. Hannah | Nashville, Tennessee
  • Spring Hill Boudoir Photography | Mrs. Hannah | Nashville, Tennessee
  • Spring Hill Boudoir Photography | Mrs. Hannah | Nashville, Tennessee
  • Spring Hill Boudoir Photography | Mrs. Hannah | Nashville, Tennessee
  • Spring Hill Boudoir Photography | Mrs. Hannah | Nashville, Tennessee
  • Spring Hill Boudoir Photography | Mrs. Hannah | Nashville, Tennessee
  • Spring Hill Boudoir Photography | Mrs. Hannah | Nashville, Tennessee
  • Spring Hill Boudoir Photography | Mrs. Hannah | Nashville, Tennessee
  • Spring Hill Boudoir Photography | Mrs. Hannah | Nashville, Tennessee
  • Spring Hill Boudoir Photography | Mrs. Hannah | Nashville, Tennessee
  • Spring Hill Boudoir Photography | Mrs. Hannah | Nashville, Tennessee
  • Spring Hill Boudoir Photography | Mrs. Hannah | Nashville, Tennessee
  • Spring Hill Boudoir Photography | Mrs. Hannah | Nashville, Tennessee
  • Spring Hill Boudoir Photography | Mrs. Hannah | Nashville, Tennessee
  • Spring Hill Boudoir Photography | Mrs. Hannah | Nashville, Tennessee
  • Spring Hill Boudoir Photography | Mrs. Hannah | Nashville, Tennessee
  • Spring Hill Boudoir Photography | Mrs. Hannah | Nashville, Tennessee
  • Spring Hill Boudoir Photography | Mrs. Hannah | Nashville, Tennessee
  • Spring Hill Boudoir Photography | Mrs. Hannah | Nashville, Tennessee
  • Spring Hill Boudoir Photography | Mrs. Hannah | Nashville, Tennessee
  • Spring Hill Boudoir Photography | Mrs. Hannah | Nashville, Tennessee
  • Spring Hill Boudoir Photography | Mrs. Hannah | Nashville, Tennessee
  • Spring Hill Boudoir Photography | Mrs. Hannah | Nashville, Tennessee
  • Spring Hill Boudoir Photography | Mrs. Hannah | Nashville, Tennessee
  • Spring Hill Boudoir Photography | Mrs. Hannah | Nashville, Tennessee
  • Spring Hill Boudoir Photography | Mrs. Hannah | Nashville, Tennessee
  • Spring Hill Boudoir Photography | Mrs. Hannah | Nashville, Tennessee
  • Spring Hill Boudoir Photography | Mrs. Hannah | Nashville, Tennessee
  • Spring Hill Boudoir Photography | Mrs. Hannah | Nashville, Tennessee
  • Spring Hill Boudoir Photography | Mrs. Hannah | Nashville, Tennessee
  • Spring Hill Boudoir Photography | Mrs. Hannah | Nashville, Tennessee
  • Spring Hill Boudoir Photography | Mrs. Hannah | Nashville, Tennessee

Portfolio Description


Check out our Spring Hill boudoir photography sessions for more sessions like this Spring Hill boudoir session in the area.

Model: Mrs. Hannah
Location: Spring Hill, Tennessee
Date: 04/14/2024
Time: 3:30pm

After making a change in our editing style we began to look for clientele to work with that would allow for us to explore the new editing style. Conversation with Mrs. Hannah began early in 2024 and we were able to set something for mid April. For this Spring Hill boudoir session she had asked if her husband could come along and we welcomed the idea. You’re always welcome to have someone come along with you for support. Friends and significant others can make for great cheerleaders. When they arrived at our home we had great initial conversation getting to know each other and it took a minute to get the shoot going because we just wanted to keep chatting.

Mrs. Hannah and her husband were great company and we returned to good conversation throughout the session. We’ve got a spare chair in the room so her husband sat there while we go the shoot going. Her first outfit for this Spring Hill boudoir session was a red lingerie set. To start I had her sit on the edge of the bed closest to the window. With this outfit we did a number of poses on the bed laying down, kneeling and sitting in different positions. After we got some good shots to start we did a wardrobe change.


Her next outfit for this Spring hill boudoir session was a black bra and underwear set. For this outfit I had her pose close to the window standing and leaning against a white chair. After that we removed the chair and had her lean against the wall close to the window. Next we went to the other side of the bed furthest from the window and had her lean against the bed railing. She had also brought along a white button up shirt that we introduced next with her kneeling on and against the bed. Throughout the session we continually got caught up in good conversation and had to refocus on the shoot. I regularly checked in with both of them and comfort levels as we went and is common if you bring your spouse.

For the next set of shots for this Spring Hill boudoir session we went back to the chair in just the black bottoms. I had her do some shots facing me as well as some facing away. Then we did some more shots that were similar but in the nude. To wrap up the session she got into a green lingerie set and kneeled on the floor against our white fuzzy bench. The light was coming in beautifully on her and made for a great last set. It was really awesome to get to know and work with Mrs. Hannah and her husband.

Looking to do a boudoir session and want to bring along your spouse? We welcome the idea and would love to chat about how we can set up a comfortable session with you. Check out our other Spring Hill photography business for family, event and business photography as well.